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Saturday, August 13, 2011

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Prevention of CervicalCancer

Cervical cancer is the second largest among the cancers that affect women, preceded only by breast cancer.
As part of the family of cancer care, however, a very special place because it is entirely preventable and curable if detected and treated very early.
The onset of cervical cancer is not usually a sudden event, but it is often characterized by a slow gradual evolution, that is, progressive changes of the mucosa lining the neck that turns from normal (for reasons not always recognized) gradually altered until you get cancer.
In other words, the tumor onset of dysplastic lesions that, therefore, represent a transition stage (optional) to cancer.
And 'this particular pattern of development which allows in most cases, early diagnosis with consequent improvement in survival and quality of life.
Here, therefore, that clarifies the meaning of the prevention of malignant tumors: monitor and treat those injuries that we know to be precancerous.
The identification and treatment of precancerous lesions is what the doctor may do a preventive of cancer.
This preventive action, the gynecologist is in a state of benefits compared to other specialists for easy accessibility examination of the genital organs and the presence of techniques are sufficiently safe and simple in execution.
For the reproductive system to the basic tenet is the pelvic examination be performed at least once a year.
It not only allows a first orientation, but it represents a key moment of the doctor-patient relationship and allows, among other things, to evaluate associated diseases: fibroids, ovarian cysts, etc. is not detectable with the techniques described below.

Designed and developed by a greek doctor who emigrated to the U.S., Papanicolaou (1943), has been and remains the first test used on a large scale for the early detection of cervical cancer.

The simple and painless test involves taking a bit of vaginal discharge that is then analyzed under a microscope by trained personnel.

The sampling is performed with the woman in the gynecological position: it lasts a moment, but it can save a life.

The ideal is to run it once a year.


Invented by a German gynecologist, Hinselmann (1925), is to observe the cervix, stained with specific substances, through a special microscope.

It's not annoying and is an examination performed by the physician specialist, allows to locate precisely the lesions and to give, many times, an immediate response.

Screening of cervical cancer not only occupies a central position, but also allows a more effective execution of the other tests: Pap Tests and Targeted Biopsy.

It can be done at any time between two periods. At least once a year to all women, as it is essential for effective prevention.

For the cervix, the combination of the two methods (Pap smear and colposcopy) improves the accuracy of the findings, nearly in this case, 100%.


Similar to the media and dyes for colposcopy is essential for the identification of viral lesions of the vulva. Useful for a deeper study of diseases of the vulva.


Of more recent origin, paternity French, Hamou (1979) is an examination performed with a thin probe, much less of a pencil, which can no special problems, including outpatient, be introduced into the uterus to look at where they can not nor colposcopy or Pap tests, examinations, on the other hand, are used ONLY for the prevention of cancer in that part of the uterus that protrudes into the vagina: the neck.

It is an investigation that is proving useful to better define certain forms of cancer of the neck and is increasingly valid for the early diagnosis of tumors of the uterus BODY especially frequent from 50 years of age and that are increasing in number in relation to changing socio-economic conditions and the average elongation.


If the colposcopy or the smear or Mhc have shown lesions to be studied further, is carried out testing (biopsy) of a small piece of tissue is then analyzed under a microscope.

It is only based on recent data that can be given the diagnosis of malignant disease that is well-remembered-if diagnosed in time, it is perfectly curable.

But above all it is important to know that with the combination of the above tests can even be cancer, many times, PREVENTED.


"Arricchiamoci of our respective differences" (Paul Valery).

No method of medical investigation is foolproof against cancer, even the microscopic.

We must not give blind trust to any of them in isolation. The safest is to use different with the double purpose of comparison between them at first and objectivity, then, their differences through the "personality" of some cancers of the uterus.

The diagnostic error gets caught in the filter of the different tests because he never has a perfectly straight course, or at least it is infinitely less likely that it has against multiple filters into one.

Very often the suspects are unfounded, other times they are unfortunately a reality index of malignancy.

The situation is then addressed with a sense of awareness and responsibility.

But it is absolutely not the case for despair: science has made great progress in the field of therapy and now can lead to complete cure a great number of sick women.

The treatment of choice is still surgery, flanked by the radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

The wise use of these resources is one of the secrets of successful treatment.


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