When I first featured Carrie Fisher in August 2009, I mentioned how she became a heartthrob to every geek, nerd, and dweeb who first saw her as Princess Leia in Star Wars back in the seventies.
Geeks, nerds, and dweebs rejoice! Both Carrie Fisher and the Star Wars saga are returning! :-D
Carrie Fisher will rejoin Mark Hamill and Harrison Ford and will be joined by Lupita Nyong'o (also an earlier honoree on this blog), Max Von Sydow, and others in the first movie of the third trilogy of Star Wars movies, set for release in December 2015. The movie, directed by J.J. Abrams and tentatively titled Star Wars: The Force Awakens, resumes the story some thirty years after the overthrow of the Galactic Empire at the end of 1983's Return Of the Jedi.
George Lucas had always had nine stories in his sci-fi saga, but after completing the prequel trilogy in 2005, he had no desire to film the third set of stories. Then, in 2012, he sold his production company to Disney. So what do you think Disney wanted to do it with its newly acquired movie franchise? ;-)
Since it has been more than thirty years since the original trilogy was wrapped up, it's going to be interesting to see how the seventh episode picks up where Return Of the Jedi left off. But you can bet that we geeks, nerds, and dweebs from the late seventies will be going to the movies to see Carrie Fisher once again. :-D
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